Buying wallpaper involves some preparatory actions. Firstly, you need to deal with what wallpaper is better suited. The fact is that for each style of decoration you need to choose a specific type of wallpaper. In addition, the wallpaper should have specific performance characteristics.
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For example, if we are talking about repairing in the bathroom, then in this case it is necessary to use exceptionally moisture -resistant wallpaper, which perfectly resist high humidity. The same applies to repair in the kitchen, as well as in other places that are highly humid.
The number of wallpapers is necessary and the accuracy of calculation is large, that is, among other things, before going to the store, you need to correctly determine how exactly the wallpaper is required. It is quite easy to calculate their number, for this you will need a tape measure, a handle and a small piece of paper. First you need to measure the height of the walls and their length. After that, the length of all walls must be folded, and then multiply by their height.
As a result, an absolute result will be obtained. Then, from this result, the area of window and doorways should be taken away. The calculation of the area of the openings is the same as the calculation of the area of the walls. The area of walls without openings must be increased by 2-5%, by trimming.