What is liquid rubber intended for? What is it like and what is the scope of its application? Let’s try to figure it out. So, liquid rubber is the latest material as a waterproofing material in order to waterproof surfaces, as well as as a filler of various voids. It can also serve as a material that can be used when aligning surfaces during sealing all kinds of joints and seams. This type of material is unique, as it acts as a catalyst in the process of hardening of liquid rubber. On the other hand, liquid rubber does not dissolve in water.
Liquid rubber is not a smell of polyurethane, which hardens within 4 hours, regardless of the thickness of the applied layer. Application of liquid rubber can be carried out in various ways. Such material can be applied both manually and using mechanical means. Liquid rubber is laid, regardless of the method on the P-Flex layer, it is also covered with it. As mentioned above, it hardens within 4 hours, even in such harsh conditions as increased humidity and cold. After the production of work, it looks like a regular layer of rubber.
Liquid rubber is flawlessly applied even to the old coating. Due to its molecular structure, it interacts perfectly combines into a single whole with the lower layer of the coating. Also, such rubber has high elasticity, which allows us to talk about its ability not to exfoliate despite the most extreme conditions, whether it is large temperature changes, or the pressure of water, vibration and sharp blows. It does not become fragile, but on the contrary, over time, it becomes more and more solid and durable.