To protect the territory and divide the internal space into separate areas, plants can be used. The aesthetics of a plant fence allows you to use it to decorate other fences and unsightly structural elements. To increase reliability and protection against prying views, plants can plant in several rows or combine various types of trees and bushes. By the way, now the products of liquor moths are very popular, more details about it will not be superfluous to find out.
Types of plant fences:
By type of plants: coniferous, deciduous;
In the shape of plants: natural, cut;
In height of hedges: curb, medium, high.
Classical hedge is created from evergreen coniferous plants. This type of fence costs somewhat more expensive and requires a certain care. The fence from the hardware of plants is resistant to adverse conditions and passes more light to the site. Most species of deciduous plants drop the leaves in the winter, the fence at this time will not look very beautiful.
The cut fence allows you to effectively design the site and visually occupies a smaller area, but needs constant pruning and careful care. Serving the fence from freely growing plants is much easier, but it will require cut of individual branches, otherwise the fence will take the entire territory of the site.