Almost any repair work begins with the leveling of walls and angles. The angles in the room are external and internal, as well as vertical and horizontal. Leveling usually begins with the corners of the external, and then move to the internal.
Modern houses, as a rule, are built correctly, and the walls in them are located at an angle of 90 °, but in the old -style houses, not all technologies are respected correctly, and it often happens that one corner in the room is stupid and the other is sharp. To align them from each wall diagonally draw lines that should cross and form an angle of 90 °. In your free time it will be possible to find out what is the price of waste paper this information is very useful.
A long building level is used to align vertical angles. To level the walls, you can use building beacons or even unnecessary tiles, which is glued along the wall in several places from floor to ceiling. Tiles can be attached to the wall by means of alabaster. The space between the beacons is filled with a certain building material. For the correct and accurate leveling of all angles, it is necessary to arrange all the beacons correctly. External vertical corners are aligned with the help of boards (they are attached to the walls and fill the empty space between them with building material).