Unlike conventional tunnel (linear) cameras, a ring camera was proposed (for small products). Loading and unloading it should occur through a special opening, and the movement of racks with a product on a movable ring using a chain traction device.
According to the calculations, the ring chamber of piercing in comparison with the linear camera has significantly higher technical and economic indicators (less consumption of steam, the best use of the area and volume).
Experienced builders are familiar with all the intricacies of work, they choose the best materials, and their work is valued for durability and reliability. It was such professionals that built a cottage village, to buy a house where everyone can today.
Tunnel chambers of continuous steaming are an integral part of the conveyor. More details about them are said below.
Poems, depending on the vertical layout, groundwater level and other local conditions, are buried in relation to the floor mark in whole or in part. Loading and unloading of pit chambers occur on top using the corresponding lifting devices. The pit chamber is loaded with freshly formed products in the simplest and least profitable case in one tier, and usually in several (4-5) tiers. With a stand technological scheme, the pit chamber is simultaneously a place of molding, and should have a polished mosaic or cement iron floor, which, together with a frame laid on it, is a shape for the manufacture of a reinforced concrete part (in one tier).
With a multi -tiered bench scheme, the camera is filled using intermediate pallets of various structures.
In case of a flow-aggregate technological scheme for the floor of the pit chamber, there are no special requirements, except for the reliability of the base, and filling it with freshly formed reinforced concrete details is carried out by crane beams or other transport and lifting devices.