Great when a person decides to start building his own home. But, unfortunately, one solution is not enough. It is necessary to take a number of steps so that the house is still built. Start, of course, it is necessary to acquire a site. At the same time, it should be taken into account what soil will be on the site, its orientation on the cardinal points, the presence of access roads, the proximity of communications. Therefore, it is nice to consider several offers before stopping your choice on one.
Before starting construction on the already existing site, you can see projects of brick cottages, because they can help determine the kind of house that will be built.
We must not forget that the house does not stand for a year, and not even for a decade, so it is worth considering not only how it will be used in the near future, but also its functioning in the future. Naturally, the house should fit into the surrounding landscape, harmoniously combining with it. At the same time, it is worth taking into account not only the current composition of the family and the interests of each of its member, but also what changes will occur in many years. Only after calculating these factors can we say that over time in the house all premises will be used for their purpose, and at the same time the house will not turn out to be tight.
One and the simplest ways that allow you to design the house to see the existing projects of brick cottages and make changes that will make it possible to build a dream house. At the same time, you should try to maintain the minimum requirements for modern rooms.
For example, it is desirable that the area of the common room is at least twelve square meters. Six square meters are considered the minimum area of the bedroom, and the kitchen can be uncomfortable for less than five squares.