Currently, electric traction is more and more applied. Usually accumulated water in deep excavations extremely complicates the work. If it comes to a slight amount of water, it is easy to remove it with manual pumps. If a hole for the excavation of clay is no deeper than 6 meters, and there is a sufficient slope, then the pump can easily pump out significant water masses. Where possible, pumps with special engines are used. The cheapest, but at the same time and unreliable force is the wind. In areas, near the sea coast, where the wind blows, to some extent, with uniform force, they install different types of windmills for pumping water. In dry areas, usually in the summer months, when it is most necessary, there are very few winds, therefore, here the wind can only be applied for pumping small amounts of water. The use of water force is more reliable. But, due to the fact that clay development places are rarely located near large water arteries, the strength of which could be applied, control of the movement of a large mass of water is achieved by the corresponding engines of proper power. For pumping water are non -surrounded steam pumps (pulsometers) and others that consume exorbitantly a lot of steam. The pumps driven by the factory machine or directly from an independent machine work more economically. The first installation has the drawback that pumping water can only be made when starting a factory machine, and the second always causes quite large organizational costs, and requires special supervision, the indicated installations for pumping water are also used to supply water necessary in production, if one is not there is in sufficient quantities at the place of work.
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