When you started repairs, for sure it will probably be time to think about wallpapering wallpaper. Often we are faced with many problems, and first of all, these are uneven walls and wallpapers that have not been remembered.
Before pasting, it is worth first of all to clean the walls of old finishing materials – wallpaper, paints, whitewashing, otherwise new wallpaper will not fall on the walls smoothly and efficiently.
Usually use special tools – trowel, spatula. You push the canvas on the edge and smoothly rip off the paper. If this is a paint, then a spatula or drill will also help here – scrape off old paint, but do not forget about protective equipment, such as a respirator, protective glasses. It is dangerous to work without using these tools – you can injure your eyes, damage the skin.
The next step will be the processing of walls with special means that will protect your walls from mold and fungus, which can be dangerous for your health. Remember that the solution should completely dry, otherwise the desired result will not work.
Next, you need to eliminate all the irregularities on the walls. The laser level, or the ancient method with a thread and chalk, will help to determine them. Next, it is worth filling all the cracks on the walls, level the protruding parts. Even for the first time gluing the wall, it is worth doing work to equalize it.
Finally, after the work, you can do it directly by pasting. You can first study the recommendations on the Internet, watch the video wallpaper wallpaper, and then start.
In principle, there is nothing complicated in this, especially since there are now many tools that will help you in such a task. It is important to remember that you can not open windows and doors in the room where the pasting is produced. Otherwise, your wallpaper will go “bubbles”.
After studying the instructions – forward for barricades! May new wallpapers delight you with their beauty!