The Ukrainian wallpaper market is full of diversity. Manufacturers constantly introduce some new items, which further increases the already rather big assortment. It is not appropriate that an inexperienced consumer, having hit the department with wallpaper, often experiences exasperation and cannot choose what he needs. So that this does not happen to you, we advise you to first deal with the main types of wallpaper presented in the construction market and decor. The most familiar to the Ukrainian consumer and manufacturer remain single -layer paper wallpaper. They are the cheapest and eco -friendly. Foreign manufacturers are gradually starting to depart from this type of wallpaper, since their main disadvantages are short -lived, high susceptibility to mechanical damage, instability to burnout. Two -layer wallpapers on a paper basis are already a more durable material and consist of a paper base and the top layer, which can be using a variety of technologies and effects. Such wallpapers are more durable and moisture resistant, they can be glued even in the kitchen. Recently, murals have become very popular, which allow you to quickly and radically change the space of the room. Glue the murals easy and fast. Just as to replace them. In addition to the paper base for the manufacture of wallpaper, the foundation of non -woven. This material makes the wallpaper more durable and where the paper wallpaper simply breaks, wallpapers based on non -woven will simply stretch. The use of such wallpapers makes the process of gluing a simpler. Based on non -woven, vinyl and textile wallpapers are made. The latter, in turn, are made by applying a whole fabric on the basis of a whole or individual fibers. Such wallpapers look very unusual and have wide decorative features.
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