The colors themselves are divided into several types. Namely:
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1. Emalers. They are based on organic varnishes. By varieties of a film -forming substance, they are divided into alkyd, oil, polyacryl, epoxy and silicon. As a rule, it is precisely alkyd enamel that is most often used during construction.
2. Oil paints. They are mainly used for wood work and in restoration. For their application, use a roller, brush or spray.
3. Silicatical paints. They are based on a mixture of pigments and fillers. Use them during plastering or on the surfaces that were previously painted with lime or silicate compositions. And if the surface was treated with acrylic, then this layer must be removed.
4. Silicone paints. They are of particular strength, durability and have good breathability. In addition, silicone resin is not thermoplastic, that is, it does not change while increasing temperature. 5. Water-dispersion paints. This type is the most universal, and all because it is based on water dispersion of polymer binders. It dries quickly and paints do not form on it.