It has long been known about the use of concrete in construction work. Its story takes 6000 years ago. The oldest concrete archaeologists found on the territory of Yugoslavia on the banks of the Danube. This was beating a building with a concrete floor. Egyptians used concrete in the construction of pyramids in Giza. Since the time of ancient Rome, “Roman concrete” has been known. It was used to build walls. For this, the brick cavity was filled with stones and filled with a solution, which after hardening became stronger than the stone. With a different way of erecting walls, wooden shields were used, which were also filled with concrete, and after solidification they wiped off. The floor was also poured with a solution. For the mixture, river or sea sand, lime and water were used in a certain ratio. The composition could include Pableo Land, clay fragments. Roman concrete was highly durable, and many buildings with its use have survived to this day. After the disappearance of the Roman state, the technology for the manufacture of this concrete was lost for many centuries. And only in 1796 J. Parker recreated “Roman cement” and received a patent for his invention. You may also interest you at a favorable price. The official story of modern concrete began on October 21, 1824. It was then that mason was. Aspdin (England) patented his invention – Portland cement. This gray substance reminded him of the color of the rocks near the city of Portland and from here got its name. In Russia, approximately at the same time, e. Mr. Cheliev prepared and applied a similar substance. The inventor of the concrete known to us based on cement has become. Johnson (1844). And in 1855, a reinforced concrete boat was demonstrated at the Paris exhibition. L. Lambo. So began the age of concrete. Today in the world the most concrete is produced by China and the USA.
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