Cleaning from snow and ice of roofs in winter becomes the most urgent problem. Why do you need to do this?
Let’s start with the most obvious, snow, ice is poorly affected by the material. from which the roof of the building is covered. The consequence of damage to the coating can be unpleasant leaks and destroyed gutters.
The second reason why it is necessary to clean the roof of the cottage from the snow is the pressure that is snowing on the design of the rabbit. The consequence of this may also be deformation of the structure and premature damage to the roof itself.
And the last reason, but no less important, is the possibility that the snow will come on passers -by. This can lead to serious consequences, especially if the formed blocks of ice also come together with the snow.
Thus, snow cleaning is a very important process that needs to be done from the roofs of cottages and buildings.
There are several ways to clean snow. The most common and traditional is the removal of the snow cover by employees of industrial mountaineering. Applying the skills of industrial mountaineering, special places of attachment on the roof are installed. Most often, special ducts are used, but this method is not always possible. Then the cable is attached, it stretches along the skate of the roof.
It must be remembered that the tools used to clean snow should vary dependencies on which coating was used on the roof. For example, take a roof covered with metal tiles. In this case, specially developed snow pushers will be used. They must be made specifically for the cover profile. In other cases, shovels made of wood or they, but rubberized. In order to get rid of ice, stupid hammers are used.
Remember that such work is very dangerous and it is better to entrust them with a special company.